You want to hire or need an upgrade in key positions? Whether outsourcing recruitment processes, assessment and succession solutions, or a search assignment, we support our clients to win top talent. We proactively build high-performance organizations fully prepared to fulfill defined strategic business objectives. With VERSUS, you get more than a headhunter, you get a partner. 

We know what makes the difference in winning top talent and provide our clients with tailor-made recruitment processes. We draw on a proven approach for behavioral and competency assessments and bring to the table comprehensive experience in psychometric analysis. We guarantee a targeted direct search approach of suitable candidates. Each assignment follows an agile process, from the initial search to the final placement, 100% VERSUS.


Our search is preceded by an elaborate dialogue. Together we analyze your company’s profile and support in defining the open position. We select the relevant requirements and break down the appropriate candidate profile. We determine service levels, OKRs, and feedback cycles. Subsequently, we develop a suitable search strategy, create our backlog and organize tasks in sprints.

Retrospectives based on reference projects and our consultants’ many years of experience, sound market research, and the appropriate search algorithm are essential to know the relevant target companies and identify potential candidates. In addition, we reach out to suitable candidates through an in-depth social media analysis and our database. Recommendations from our network round off the research. In parallel, we continuously look for new ways and think laterally to generate “out-of-the-box” candidates. We guarantee a direct approach to candidates and have the arguments to arouse interest. During an interview, we check the professional qualifications, personality, motivation, salary expectation, and availability of the candidates. Regular backlog reviews and close communication with our clients keep us on track.

Shortlisted candidates are invited to a further personal interview. Here, we confirm whether the candidate and position are a good match. After the interviews, we present the three to five best candidates. The accuracy of this decision is an indicator of quality for us. We aim to present you not with as many candidates as possible but with precisely the right ones. We organize interviews, support you through the entire selection process if desired, check references and assist in making the final decision. Thanks to our experience and industry expertise, we are a trustworthy partner and act as a link between you and the candidates. We maintain an open and fair feedback culture, even with candidates who did not make it into the offer stage. This way, no one leaves the process without added value.

Contract negotiations often reveal different interests on both sides. It is not uncommon to be met with a counteroffer. After the selection process has been completed, we support you in negotiating and drafting the contracts and remuneration packages. We recognize that signing a contract is the midpoint of a process, not the end. For a successful onboarding, the first 100 days are decisive. We continue the dialogue with you and our candidates. This follow-up support relates to our understanding of professionalism.

“Transparency, speed, and close communication are essential to us.”